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Managing Postpartum Depression [Kenya]

Managing Postpartum Depression [Kenya]

Managing postpartum, is a combination of a few things. You can get professional help, you can get self-care, and you can also get support from loved ones.

We'll highlight some of the things you can try do for you to manage a postpartum depression.

Number one is seek professional help.

This is why , if you're not okay, you go see a therapist or. Someone in the healthcare department who's really well versed with what you're going through. That's one way getting seeking professional help.

Therapy. It's okay to do therapy if you're not okay. It's okay to not be okay, but you have to do something about it.

Therapy is one of those ways where you can go talk to a therapist and make sure you are okay.


In some of those severe cases where now it's on the extreme. Mom might be given medication so that she's okay, and that's still okay to take medication.

The support groups it's good to look for any support group around. It can be among your friends. Most of the time friends get kids together, so create those support groups and make sure you know what each mom is going through .

Talk to a loved one.

Sometimes it's so hard, people don't know what you're going through. You have to speak up and talk about it so that someone can also be able to assist you with it.

Practice self-care.

It may be as simple as just leaving the house when baby sleeping or they someone there and taking a walk.

It doesn't have to be something big, but just making sure you're doing that. It can be taking a shower, just having your favorite meal. It can be. Going to do something you love doing, going to the salon, whatever it is, just practicing self-care might also be a very good management skill.

Setting realistic expectations.

I would say if, that day, all you have to do is just sleep, it's okay. Don't feel guilty. You have very, very realistic expectations so that you don't feel pressure.

Delegate tasks.

Delegate as much as you can. So if you can you have a nanny, you have a a sister, you have a mom coming through, let them handle everything . So as soon as you, as much delegation you can do the better for you.

Creating a routine.

When you have a routine in place, it'll show you, you need that stability and, predictability.

You need to be doing what, am I supposed to be doing at this time?, have a schedule. It'll make things a bit bearable.

Engage in mindfulness.

Something like yoga, meditating. Might also help a bit so that you're mindful of what you're going through.

You can also limit stressors as much as possible.

Try and minimize any commitments during that time. So the easier you make your life, the better.

Stay connected.

Make sure you're calling your friends, you're calling your mom, don't, keep it to yourself as much as you become staff. Don't isolate yourself.

Make sure you speak up and call the the loved ones.


Write down, I in writing down your thoughts so that you can know where you are at at all times.

Express emotions.

It's okay to allow yourself to express how you're feeling that way you'll be a better mom.

Engage in activities that you love, you used to love even before baby or after. Make sure all the things you used to love doing. Try and incorporate some, if you love dancing, as soon as you are up and running, make sure you have a session of dancing or whatever you love doing.

Stay hydrated.

Take lots and lots of water. It'll be good for you. Be patient , on yourself. The same way I said for friends and partners should be patient with you as your healing. Give yourself the same grace and be patient with yourself. It's not a one day thing.

It takes time and you, you're going to do it.


Need to get help for Postpartum Depression click this Link

Content created in collaboration with MumsbyKare

Narrated by Naomi Wangare of MumsbyKare


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