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Changing Teats for Baby Bottle

Changing Teats for Baby Bottle

Hey Mamas and Papas,

As your baby grows they drink more milk.

The difference in the teats is the amount of milk that flows from the teat.

Dr Browns start with Preemie and  teats and go all the way to Y-cut. Lansinoh has slowflow and medium flow teats. Medela has small,medium and fast flow teast.


7 signs your baby may be next for the next teat?

  • They are not getting full (the milk )
  • Baby wanting more feeds per day
  • If they're damaged, weak or have been bitten (you do not want any small pieces swallowed)
  • Take longer than 20 minutes to finish a feed?
  • Fall asleep during a feed?
  • Tug at the teat while feeding?
  • Making noise during feeding(getting frustrated while feeding)

4  Signs that the teat flow is too fast?

  1. Coughs and chokes on the milk.
  2. More milk ends up spilling out of the mouth than is swallowed.
  3. Clamps mouth shut or pushes bottle away and refuses to feed.
  4. Manages to finish the bottle but then projectile vomits everywhere.

3 signs you have the right sized teat;

  1. Most of the milk is being swallowed perhaps with a little escaping here and there.
  2. No choking or spluttering on the milk
  3. Baby finishes the whole bottle and in record time.


Check out the teats available

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